M365 Changelog: Reduce background noise in Microsoft Teams Meetings (now available for MacOS users)

MC252330 – Updated May 04, 2021: Microsoft has updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

The AI-based, real-time noise suppression that was added to Windows desktop client for Microsoft Teams in Nov 2020 will soon also be available on MacOS. This feature will automatically remove background noise from your meetings.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 82826.

When this will happen

Microsoft will begin rolling this out in late May (previously April) and expect to complete rollout late August.

How this will affect your organization

Users can set the noise suppression level before a meeting. Once changed, the setting applies to the next call.

The four settings are Auto (default), Low, High, and Off.

They are accessible from the profile image > Settings prior to a meeting and from More options  > Device settings during a meeting.

this image has been lost in time

When left on the default setting, Auto, the Teams app sets noise suppression based on ambient sound.

  • Low is designed for persistent background noise like an air conditioner, computer fan, or music.
  • (New) High suppresses all background sound that is not speech; this setting uses more computer resources.
  • Off disables the noise suppression feature.

Note: The high setting is unavailable for MacOS users with M1 Arm Processor

What you need to do to prepare

You might want to notify your users about this new capability and update your training and documentation as appropriate.Additional information