Microsoft 365 admin center: Bring your own domain to use for Microsoft 365 product emails

MC531211 – Email notifications from products within Microsoft 365 are sent out to users in various ways. In many cases the emails are sent out from the user but there are system emails, like alerts, batched, or digest emails. These are sent from various product-specific no-reply email addresses, like [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].

Opting into this change means that administrators can select a verified domain to use for these emails. All products and features mentioned in the supported products link provided below can utilize this feature across Microsoft 365 and the support article will be updated as products onboard to utilize the setting. Emails will be routed to your Exchange Online instance within your tenant and the emails will then be sent out to your users from your tenant.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 103628

When this will happen:

Targeted Release: Microsoft will begin rollout in late March and expect rollout to be complete by early April.

Standard Release: Microsoft will begin rollout in early April and expect rollout to be complete by mid-April.

How this will affect your organization:

No action is required, as this is an opt-in feature.

Should your organization opt-in to utilize the feature, then all products listed in the supported products list, will change to use your own domain that you have selected. Adminstrators can configure the “no-reply” prefix, and create a matching email address in Exchange, if they would like to monitor responses from users.

As the emails are now being sent out by your Exchange Online Instance, the emails will no longer have the EXTERNAL indicator as they are now internal emails. Exchange administrators can monitor this traffic within their Exchange Online logs and create an Exchange rule to manage what domains are allowed to send email to your users. Once the tenant has been opted-into the setting the rule can be set to block the generic email addresses, to reduce spam risk to users.

What you need to do to prepare:

As with all domains used to send email, it is recommended that Exchange Administrators configure the selected domain’s DNS records for SPF, MX, DKIM, and DMARC, as noted in Learn more about Exchange Online Email Routing. This also protects the domain from email spoofing and email providers can validate domain ownership.

This is especially the case if relaying has been enabled from your Exchange Online instance to on-Premises or external email services, as that ensures that messages can be validated by the recipient services.

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