Microsoft Loop will support Retention Labels for pages and components, with a rollout from late December 2024 to late January 2025. This integration allows inclusion of Loop content in records management workflows, with an in-app experience upon label application. No preparation is needed by tenants.
MC929030 – Updated December 3, 2024: Microsoft has updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
Microsoft 365 app: Microsoft Loop – Retention Labels will be available for Loop pages and components
Organizations that rely on Microsoft’s records management capabilities in Purview can now include Loop content in their workflows with Retention Labels on Loop pages and components. There’s an in-app experience when a label is applied.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 397755
When this will happen:
General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out late December 2024 (previously late November) and expect to complete by late January 2025 (previously late December).
How this will affect your organization:
Tenants that utilize retention labels will now be able to include Loop content in their workflows with Retention Labels on Loop pages and components. There’s an in-app experience when a label is applied.
Retention labels from Microsoft Purview Data Lifecycle Management and Microsoft Purview Records Management are supported for .loop files by applying published labels in OneDrive, SharePoint, or SharePoint Embedded or automatically applying the labels.
For more information on where Loop content is stored, see Loop Storage.
What you need to do to prepare:
There is nothing you need to do to prepare. Retention labels configured in your tenant will automatically begin working with Loop content when the feature is rolled out.
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