M365 Changelog: (Updated) Teams Android Devices – Updates to the Report an Issue Feature August 25, 2023

MC670440 – Updated August 25, 2023: Microsoft has identified that this did not go to the correct audience. We will be removing this message and posting a new message to the correct audience. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Report an issue on Teams Android devices will be temporarily unavailable while Microsoft improves the feedback workflow and deliver new feedback mechanisms that will give IT admins control and even better functionality to support their organizations in a future app update.  

When this will happen:

This feature will become temporarily unavailable starting late August 2023.

How this will affect your organization:

Report an issue under Settings will be temporarily unavailable while Microsoft enhances all feedback channels on Teams Android devices (Teams Rooms on Android, Teams Panels, Teams Phones, and Teams Displays). 

Microsoft is introducing two new feedback channels in a future app update:

  • Give feedback – allows users to submit feedback with the option to include logs directly to Microsoft. IT admins can apply policies to control the availability of this feature to users in their organization.
  • Report a problem – allows users to report issues that automatically includes logs directly to their IT organization. All entries will be routed to the email address that IT admins configure on the device settings. IT admins can then triage issues to see what needs to be escalated to Microsoft Support. 

During this time, IT admins will not be able to collect logs directly from Teams Android devices until the new Report a problem feature is launched.

What you need to do to prepare:

In the meantime, Microsoft suggests IT admins to continue using the Teams Admin Center to diagnose any Teams Android devices issues. Instructions on how to collect device logs via the Teams Admin Center are found here: Collect Android Teams device logs – Microsoft Teams.