M365 Changelog: Power Platform – Information about preventing errors and stub user records during data import workflows

MC734269 – To prevent errors and the creation of stub user records during data import workflows, please follow the steps outlined below prior to running any data import workflows.

What steps should I perform prior to running a data import workflow?

  1. Create the user records in Microsoft Entra before starting your data import process.
  2. Sync the user(s) from Microsoft Entra into the environment(s) where you intend to perform the data import. You can perform this sync using any of the following methods:
  3. Once the system syncs the user(s) into the environment, run your data import workflows.

Please note, to reassign records from a stub user to another user, you can use the Add-BulkRecordsToUsers command.

What action do I need to take?
This message is for awareness and no action is required.