M365 Changelog: Power Automate – Picture-in-picture execution mode is now available in Power Automate for desktop

MC798273 – Microsoft is announcing a new feature, picture-in-picture execution mode, which is now available in Power Automate for desktop for attended desktop flows.

How does this affect me?
This new feature gives makers the ability to trigger local attended desktop flows in an isolated Windows session, in a virtual window. This allows the flow run to not interfere with the user’s other work.

What do I need to do to prepare?
Desktop flows can be triggered to run in picture-in-picture mode through the Power Automate for desktop console. Select the target flow, open the More actions menu, and then select Run in picture-in-picture.

Please note, in addition, the Run in picture-in-picture flow property can be enabled, making this flow always run in picture-in-picture mode when triggered locally.

This message is for awareness and no action is required.