M365 Changelog: (Updated) OneDrive – Recommended Files

MC653729 – Updated August 7, 2023: Microsoft has updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

OneDrive will now display a list of recommended files in Home. This list allows you to keep track of work around you and quickly access files with activity you value most such as edits, mentions, and comments by people you interact with.  

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 124871

When this will happen:

Targeted Release: Microsoft will begin rolling this out in early August 2023 (previously late July).

Standard Release: Microsoft will begin rolling this out in mid-August (previously early August) and expect it to complete by the end of August. 

How this will affect your organization:

When this change is released, you will see a set of files that have been recommended for you in OneDrive Home. This feature uses machine learning to predict which files you’re most likely to want to work on next and presents those as a set of cards you can choose from. Only files you have access to in OneDrive or SharePoint are suggested. 

for you strip
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Each card shows the name of the file and who made changes or shared it. It also shows why it was recommended, like @ mentions, recent edits, or comments. You can click anywhere on the card to open the file. If the file was recommended to you because of a specific comment or task, you can navigate directly to that location in the file by clicking “Go to comment” or “Go to task” on the card. 

To remove a file from your recommended list, select “Hide from list” in the context menu on the card. Note: this only removes the file from your recommended list, but it can still appear for others with whom the file has been shared. 

What you need to do to prepare:

You may consider updating your training and documentation as appropriate.