MC697803 – Automating license assignments at a product level has never been easier. With an auto-claim policy in place, users can automatically claim a license for a product the first time that they sign into an app that requires a license. By using auto-claim policies, admins manage the products for which users can automatically claim licenses. You can also control which products those licenses come from.
We’re adding auto-claim policy support for Microsoft Project and PowerAutomate.
When this will happen:
Standard Release: Microsoft will begin rolling out mid-December 2023 and expect to complete by early January 2024.
How this will affect your organization:
Auto-claim policy enables admins to automatically assign purchased licenses to users with minimal friction, creating automation that simplify license management of Microsoft 365 products.
What you need to do to prepare:
For more information about auto-claim policies and how to set them up, review this documentation.
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