Microsoft Viva Insights will introduce design improvements and new leader reports in late June 2024. The update will feature a redesigned home page, new navigation sections, and reports on external focus, new hire onboarding, and meeting cost and quality. A new report on employee engagement with leadership communications and a Pulse survey feature will also be added. These features will be available on desktop, web, and mobile for Viva Insights subscribers. No action is required from admins for the rollout.
MC802697 – Coming soon to Microsoft Viva: Improvements to the Viva Insights design and leader reports. In Viva Insights, leaders are defined as users who have been assigned the group manager role and who have at least 4 direct and indirect reports or as defined by their admin. This message applies to Viva Insight on the Desktop, the web, and Android/iOS. This message applies to customers with a Viva Insights subscription.This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 399427 and Roadmap ID 399426.When this will happen:General Availability (Worldwide): Microsoft will begin rolling out late June 2024 and expect to complete by mid-July 2024.
How this will affect your organization:
Before this rollout: Viva Insights home was focused on highlighting metrics. Microsoft received feedback asking for more leader reports.
After this rollout:
Home page and navigation updates
Microsoft will update the Viva Insight home page and left navigation to highlight reports.
Employee engagement with leadership communications report
Microsoft will release a new out-of-the-box report on employee engagement with leadership communication. This report helps leaders understand the reach of their communications in their organization, and their employees’ engagement with the leaders’ emails, meetings, and shared files to better understand the effectiveness of different modes of communication.Pulse survey as a recommendation action
Leaders can now send a Viva Pulse survey from leader reports to quickly gather employee sentiment feedback. A leader can take these Pulse-related actions:
These features are on by default. Admins can disallow the app in their organization if desired.
Home page and navigation updates:
Employee engagement with leadership communications report:
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What you need to do to prepare:
No action is needed to enable this feature. Leaders can use this capability at their discretion. Inform your Viva Insights users that have been assigned the group manager role about this new capability and update any relevant training materials.
This rollout will happen automatically by the specified date with no admin action required before the rollout.
Learn more: Use Leader reports to uncover key business outcomes | Microsoft Learn
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