MC680962 – Search will now be enabled in the Viva Connections (VC) app in Teams. Along with searching in Teams, VC users will also be able to get intranet search results. This feature will be rolled out in a phased manner starting with iOS in mobile only, followed by Android in mobile and then Tablet. The current update is linked to iOS in mobile and Microsoft will send out a notification before other phases as well.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 171888
When this will happen:
Standard Release: Microsoft will begin rolling out early November and expect to complete by mid-November.
How this will affect your organization:
Users in VC now don’t need to navigate to different apps or browser to look for items within their intranet and can find all the same within the VC app.
What you need to do to prepare:
No action is required for admins to enable the feature. Informing the end users of this update can be fruitful as it will allow them to discover the feature sooner than later.
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