MC500903 – Updated February 7, 2023: Microsoft has made the decision to not proceed at this time. Thank you for your patience.
Praise in Microsoft Teams is designed to appreciate the effort that goes into the wide-ranging, collaborative work that Teams users do. Users can send praise to their colleagues through the messaging extension pinned to the Teams messaging bar or through the Microsoft Viva Insights app in Teams. For both, admins can use the Microsoft Teams admin center to enable/disable Praise.
With updates coming soon, praises received will be highlighted on a user’s profile card in Teams and Outlook. There are settings available for users that prevent praise highlights from being visible on their profile card.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 109551
How this will affect your organization:
When a user receives praise, the title and note will be visible on their profile card in Team and Outlook People in their organization whom they have emailed, chatted, or met with in the past year will be able to view their praise details.
Users can go to settings in their Viva Insights app in Teams and switch the praise visibility toggle off to disable praise highlights from showing.
What you need to do to prepare:
Refer to Praise with Viva Insights | Microsoft Docs which will be updated in sync with this roll out.
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