MC662254 – Updated November 2, 2023: Microsoft is glad to announce that support for Teams Shared Device License on Android Mobile is generally available now on Teams mobile version >= 2023143401. Only Calls and Walkie Talkie apps are supported when the Android mobile app is signed into an account with Teams Shared Device license. To access other apps on Teams Android mobile including chats and channels, please assign eligible licenses to the account and remove the Teams Shared Device License.
Learn more on Set up an Android mobile phone as a common area phone – Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn
Updated August 16, 2023: Microsoft has updated timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
Microsoft is pleased to announce that it will soon support the Microsoft Teams Shared Device license on the Teams Android mobile application. The Teams Shared Device license offers a shared identity-based , common area phone experience, including basic and advanced calling, people search, voicemail and walkie talkie.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 126706
When this will happen:
How this will affect your organization:
This feature will enable Android phones to be set up as shared devices. Walkie Talkie, call queues, auto attendants, cloud voicemail, call park and all other calling features currently supported on common area phones will be available through the Teams Android app.
What you need to do to prepare:
Microsoft will share an update once it starts rolling out the feature to all customers. Please ensure your Teams Android mobile application is updated with the latest version after the feature is released. No further action is required from your end currently. For more information, please visit this documentation.
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