Microsoft Teams is improving image viewing in chat, allowing users to view and cycle through multiple images. This update will roll out from mid-September to mid-October 2024 and will be available by default. Organizations may update their training and documentation accordingly.
MC886600 – Updated October 2, 2024: After further review Microsoft has decided not to proceed with this change at this time. Microsoft apologizes for any inconvenience.
Microsoft is updating the way multiple images within a chat can be viewed.
When this will happen:
Microsoft will begin rolling this out in mid-September 2024 and expect to complete by mid-October 2024.
How this affects your organization:
When there are multiple images within a chat, users will now be able to view and cycle through the images. The images are deep linked to take the user to the specific time in the chat the image was provided.
What you can do to prepare:
The feature will be available by default. There is no specific action needed, but you may consider updating your training and documentation as appropriate.
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