M365 Changelog: Microsoft Search – Graph connector results in Bing ‘All’ tab

MC538384 – Microsoft Graph connectors results is available for users to query from Bing’s ‘All’ tab. If the user’s query contains a pattern with Custom vertical name, the system will return relevant results on top in the Bing ‘All’ tab from the Custom vertical content. This is applicable for Custom verticals defined on Graph connectors.

Examples: <query terms> in <vertical name> OR <vertical name> <query terms> etc.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 93336

When this will happen:

This is now available to users.

How this affects your organization:

This will help end users find their enterprise content easily in the Bing ‘All’ tab. It brings parity to Graph connectors content as this support is already available for Files and People content in Microsoft 365.

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What you can do to prepare:

You may want to consider updating your training and documentation as appropriate and notifying your users of this change.
