M365 Changelog: (Updated) Microsoft Purview Information Protection Tracking and Revocation – End-User Tracking and Revocation

MC669740 – Updated November 2, 2023: Microsoft has updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

From the sensitivity menu, owners of Office files protected with a sensitivity label can access the Microsoft Purview compliance portal to view user access attempts and revoke access if needed.

When this will happen:

Preview: Microsoft has started rolling out and expect to complete by late August. – Complete

Registration will begin rolling out to production in mid-October 2023 (previously late August) and expect to complete by mid-November 2023 (previously late October).

Track & Revoke will begin rolling out to production will begin rolling out in late-October 2023 (previously late August) and expect to complete by mid-November 2023 (previously mid-September).

How this will affect your organization:

The Microsoft Purview Information Protection Tracking and Revocation feature will be turned on by default. To disable the feature, use the Disable-AipServiceDocumentTrackingFeature commandlet. 

What you need to do to prepare:

There is no action needed to prepare for this change. You may want to notify your users about this change and update any relevant documentation as appropriate.