M365 Changelog: Microsoft Purview compliance portal – Auditing for Microsoft Project, Planner and Microsoft To Do

To provide customers with further support to investigate incidents, suspicious activity and/or malicious changes within their organization, auditing of user and app activities for Microsoft Project, Microsoft Planner and Microsoft To Do will be available in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal as well as in all tenants and regions where Project, Planner and To Do are supported. Auditing* captures events such as plan and task creation, plan and task read, plan and task modifications, and more. For full details of activities captured, see:

*NOTE: The audit events for Project, Planner and To Do require a paid Project Plan 1 license (or higher) in addition to relevant Microsoft 365 license that includes entitlements to Audit (Premium).

Planner, Project and To Do events can be searched from:

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This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 124916

When this will happen:

Standard Release: This is currently rolling out and expected to complete by late June.

How this will affect your organization:

Identify data risks and manage regulatory compliance requirements while using Project, Planner, and To Do with audit log retention and access to crucial events that help determine scope of compromise. 

What you need to do to prepare:

Auditing is turned on by default and to ensure your organization has turned on auditing, see Turn auditing on or off – Microsoft Purview (compliance) | Microsoft Learn.
