M365 Changelog: Introducing New Method to Clear Throttling Policy Assignments for Mailboxes

MC649934 – Microsoft is introducing a new parameter to the Set-Mailbox cmdlet, which will allow you to clear off a throttling policy association for a given mailbox. Over the years, you might have asked Microsoft Support to raise specific limits for some of your mailboxes (Transport limits, Recipient Rate limit, protocol limits – Exchange Web Services, ActiveSync, PowerShell). Until now, there has been no other way to revert those changes other than open another support case and wait for Microsoft Support to engage Microsoft Engineering.

With the new parameter ClearThrottlingPolicyAssignment, you will be able to remove a custom throttling policy association for your mailbox.

Example output:

Get-Mailbox mailbox1

ThrottlingPolicy : contoso.onmicrosoft.com\ThrottlingPolicy1

Set-Mailbox mailbox1 -ClearThrottlingPolicyAssignment

When this will happen:

Standard Release: We will begin rolling out in late July 2023 and expect to complete rollout by early August 2023.

How this will affect your organization:

There is no impact to your organization’s users. For your Exchange service admins, the new parameter will be available for Set-Mailbox, as part of the “Mail Recipients” management role.

What you need to do to prepare:

There is no preparation you need to take. The new parameter will become available as soon as your tenant’s role based access control package will be updated – this will be handled automatically.