M365 Changelog: (Updated) App name change for the Tasks by Planner and To Do app in Microsoft Teams to Microsoft Planner

MC690607 – Updated November 27, 2023: Microsoft has made the decision not to proceed with this change at this time. The company will communicate via Message center when we are ready to proceed. Thank you for your patience.

Microsoft is updating the app name for the “Tasks by Planner and To Do” app in Microsoft Teams to “Planner” – all existing app functionality will remain the same. 

When this will happen:

Microsoft will communicate via Message center when we are ready to proceed.

How this will affect your organization:

Microsoft is updating the app name for the “Tasks by Planner and To Do” app in Microsoft Teams to “Planner” – all existing app functionality will remain the same.

Microsoft doesn’t expect this change to impact any current user scenarios or functionality.

The name change is in preparation of the new Planner app in Microsoft Teams arriving in early 2024. The new Planner app will bring together your to-dos, plans, and projects into a single unified experience which is simple, flexible, scalable, and intelligent. You can find out more information here: https://aka.ms/thenewplanner

What you need to do to prepare:

Your organization should update any internal documentation which references the previous app name “Tasks by Planner and To Do” to use the new app name “Planner”.

Please review the linked announcement above in preparation to update any internal documentation to reflect the new Planner app experience arriving in early 2024.
