MC908110 – Updated October 17, 2024: Microsoft has updated the content. Thank you for your patience. We’re making an update to the behavior of email notification in Project for the web. When a project or roadmap is shared with a Microsoft 365 group, only if the group has 50 or less members will an email...
MC694645 – Updated April 3, 2024: Microsoft has updated the content below with additional details on the experience for Guest users. Thank your for your patience. Currently, users with Microsoft 365 licenses can view projects shared with them by users of Microsoft Project for the web. This update will enable Microsoft 365 users to collaborate...
MC715427 – Updated March 15, 2024: Microsoft has updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. The Assigned to me view in Microsoft Planner, Microsoft To Do, and the Microsoft Teams Task app currently displays all Microsoft 365 tasks assigned to the user, except for Project on the web tasks. With this release, users can access...
MC690608 – Microsoft is updating the app names for Project for the web, Project Teams tab, and Project Power app to “Planner (Project)” – all existing functionality across these apps will remain the same. When this will happen: This change will start rolling out in late January 2024 and should complete in early February 2024....
MC528361 – Updated June 7, 2023: Microsoft has updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. Integrations in Viva Goals help save time and energy by automatically updating your key results and projects through connections to other applications from Microsoft and third parties. These integrations allow data to flow from the connected applications...
To provide customers with further support to investigate incidents, suspicious activity and/or malicious changes within their organization, auditing of user and app activities for Microsoft Project, Microsoft Planner and Microsoft To Do will be available in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal as well as in all tenants and regions where Project, Planner and To Do...
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